
Microsoft Windows 11

“Science is art. Every part of science can be shown visually, and it takes a lot of artistic processes to do that,” says Miles. “I have many different visualizations I have to make, whether it’s graphs or diagrams or just the way I display information. All of it needs to look neat and beautiful just like any other art form. Windows 11 really helps to bring some of that art into the research that I’m doing.” 
Read more on on the Microsoft Windows blog.

Diversity in Action Magazine


“Because discoveries are driven by the people who conduct research, it’s important to have diverse scientists choose their topics.” 

Read more on page 54, Diversity in Action, Fall 2021 


Science Talk with SciTeens – An NGO focusing on blogs and free online mentorship to high school students, primarily in low income and minority communities.
2018 ABC7 News story showcasing our graduation, high school journey, our parents, and our decision to attend MIT for undergraduate education. Fun fact: we are identical twins!
Our graduation speech as Co-Valedictorians from Woodbridge High School in 2018.
